Monday 7 October 2013

Why Google Rankings (SERP’s) Dances? Penguin 3.0?

Penguin 3.0

Matt Cutt gave a tweet about Weather Report for Penguin 3.0 (A small algothimic change) or google web spam team calling it as a “Data Refresh of Penguin”.

Why don’t these guys tell us that penguin 3.0 will be released?  I don’t fear of any Google update neither Google web spam team getting afraid of releasing the news related to the update in earlier.

Around 10-15 days before the update matt-cutt was in silent mode, One of my colleque said that matt-cutt is in silent so there have many chances for new update.

Or else why web spam team made the Google SERP results to dance like these.

But still I can see some stupid sites ranking in TOP 10
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If my instinct is right. Google should release another penguin/panda update before the X-Mas.